SEM - ترجمة إلى الروسية
قاموس على الإنترنت

SEM - ترجمة إلى الروسية

SEM (disambiguation); Sem (disambiguation); Sem


общая лексика

(Standard Electronic Module) стандартный электронный модуль

(Scanning Electron Microscope) сканирующий электронный микроскоп


[scanning electron microscopy] сканирующая электронная микроскопия (для анализов керна)


общая лексика

сканирующий электронный микроскоп


Scanning Electron Microscope

  • Geographic identifications for the Sons of Noah ([[Flavius Josephus]], c. 100 AD); Shem's sons are in green.
  • Ham]] and [[Japheth]]'' by [[James Tissot]] 1904.
  • Ham]]).
Sheim; Sem, son of Noah; Sem (son of Noah)



библейское выражение

Сим (старший сын Ноя)

scanning electron microscope         
  • Electron–matter interaction volume and types of signal generated
  • Mechanisms of emission of secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and characteristic X-rays from atoms of the sample
  • M. von Ardenne's]] first SEM
  • A spider sputter-coated in gold, having been prepared for viewing with an SEM
  • Low-temperature SEM magnification series for a [[snow]] crystal. The crystals are captured, stored, and sputter-coated with platinum at cryogenic temperatures for imaging.
  • Low-voltage micrograph (300 V) of distribution of adhesive droplets on a [[Post-it note]]. No conductive coating was applied: such a coating would alter this fragile specimen.
  • Comparison of SEM techniques: <br />Top: backscattered electron analysis{{snd}} composition <br /> Bottom: secondary electron analysis{{snd}} topography
  • A video illustrating a typical practical magnification range of a scanning electron microscope designed for biological specimens. The video starts at 25×, about 6 mm across the whole field of view, and zooms in to 12000×, about 12&nbsp;[[μm]] across the whole field of view. The spherical objects are glass beads with a diameter of 10&nbsp;μm, similar in diameter to a [[red blood cell]].
  • SEM with opened sample chamber
  • Analog type SEM
  • Operating principle of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
  • Schematic of an SEM
  • Schottky-emitter electron source
Scanning Electron Microscope; Scanning electron microscopy; Scanning electron micrograph; Microscopy, electron, scanning; Scanning Electron Microscopy; FESEM; Fegsem; SEM study; Scanning electron; Scanning electron microscopes; Scanning electron microscopies; Scanning Electron Micrograph; 3D SEM surface reconstruction; 3D reconstruction of SEM images; Scanning electron micrographs; Ion-abrasion SEM; History of scanning electron microscopy; Interaction volume

общая лексика

растровый [сканирующий] электронный микроскоп


СЕМ, сем-ка, сем-ко, а ну, давай, ну-ка, пойдем, начнем, станем. Сем пойду к куме. Сем-ка подумаем.
| Сем или быть, ·*ряз. да, так, конечно. Семкать, звать, приглашать, понукать, говорить: сем-ка, ну-ка. Сём, пересём, как бы день прошел. Семьяк, сем-як, ·*арх.-мез. сюда, по сю сторону. Клади сем-як, туда-як неладно.
II. СЕМ вместо сим. То тем, то сем промышляет. Семо церк. сюда. Приведите его семо, Матф. Семо и овамо, или ·стар. семь и семь, туда и сюда.



SEM can refer to:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. leads to greater SEM.
A Life of Happiness And Fulfillment _ Prof Rajagopal Raghunathan _ Talks at Google
2. SEM is greater Satisfaction, Engagement, and Morale.
A Life of Happiness And Fulfillment _ Prof Rajagopal Raghunathan _ Talks at Google
3. And greater SEM leads to greater productivity.
A Life of Happiness And Fulfillment _ Prof Rajagopal Raghunathan _ Talks at Google
4. same way that we designed SEO SEM?
What's the Future of Business _ Brian Solis _ Talks at Google
5. at work, SEM and productivity over time
A Life of Happiness And Fulfillment _ Prof Rajagopal Raghunathan _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Sem Sovanny, deputy commander of Cambodian armys engineering corps.
2. He and Grossman are studying their slices with an electron microprobe and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The microprobe is capable of revealing the chemical composition of microscopically small patches of material, while the SEM provides highly magnified images.
3. Major–General Sem Sovanny, a Cambodian army officer, said: "It is time for us to help others.
4. "Our soldiers are very pleased to accept this prestigious mission," Sem Sovanny said by telephone from Sihanoukville.
5. An advance team of 10 officers was expected to leave for Sudan later this month, said Sem Sovanny.